Mavericks Awards
A new way to celebrate Mavericks
The Wave
Mavericks is that rarest of things: not just a perfect wave and not just a giant wave but a perfect, giant wave. The peak lies a little less than a half-mile off of Pillar Point and is marked by a clump of Stonehenge-like boulders lining the inside. Massive swells looming out of the deep approach a shelf – made up of black, ungodly reef and boulders 20-feet beneath the surface – at breakneck speeds. From there, Maverick’s becomes a 20-foot version of Stockton Avenue: a perfect, jacking AAA-frame breaking both ways, the right going long and the left a short-lived explosion of hell and spitfire.

Mavericks Awards
The Mavericks Awards is a digital video performance contest where big wave surfers and videographers submit their best surf content of Mavericks each season. There are 3 categories for men and 3 categories for women with equal prize money for all. Categories include Biggest Wave, Ride of the Year, and Performer of the Year. 60% of the prize money is paid to the athlete and 40% is paid to the photographer. Winners are announced and celebrated at the Mavericks Awards, each May in Half Moon Bay.

Rules + Details
Made Waves only. No Tows, paddle only. Each ride requires a separate submission for each category applicable (Mavericks Ride of the Year, Biggest Wave, Performer of the Year) for both male and female.
You must be 18 years or older on date of the wave. Release of liability: I release Mavericks Surf Awards LLC of any and all liability. By submitting content, I release this intellectual property and grant Mavericks Awards and its partners license to use this content, with credit, to promote the Mavericks Awards. This does not include promotion of other properties beyond Mavericks Awards.